Issued by Hay Limited ABN 34 629 037 403

Australian Financial Services Licence No. 515459

Hay® is a registered trade mark

Shaype is the trading name for Hay as a Service Pty ltd

1. About this Guide

This Financial Services Guide (FSG) is prepared by Hay Limited ABN 34 629 037 403 Australian Financial Services Licence No. 515459 (Hay). Under its Australian Financial Services Licence,

Hay is authorised to provide financial services including issuing non-cash payment facilities such
as the Financial Wallet Account (Account).

This FSG is distributed by 3P Card Services ABN 88 125 365 (which is the Digital Wallet Provider).

3P Card Services have been authorised by Hay to deal in, and provide factual product advice in relation to, the Financial Wallet Account, in order to arrange, market, promote, and distribute the Financial Wallet Account.

This FSG is an important document, which provides information about the financial services offered by Hay and is designed to assist you in deciding whether to use the services offered, as mentioned in this FSG.

Hay is the issuer of the Financial Wallet Account.

The Financial Wallet Account is a digital transaction account (which is not a bank account). This Financial Wallet Account is part of a website, or an App provided by 3P Card Services, and will include a gaming wallet.

The customer is given the account details i.e. BSB and account number once the Digital Wallet provider (3P Card Services) approves the customer’s application (made via 3P’s website or an App that will be provided to the prospective customer) after conducting their Know Your Customer checks.

The customer can fund the Account by transferring funds from another bank account, subject to Account and daily funding limits. Once the customer funds the Account, they can transfer the funds into a gaming wallet which is part of the Digital Wallet and use the funds towards gaming activities at select gaming machines at specified ALH (Australian Leisure and Hospitality Group Pty Ltd (ACN 133 770 162) locations. Any proceeds from gaming activities will go into the gaming wallet, and the customer can then transfer the monies into their Financial Wallet Account. Once the monies are in the Financial Wallet Account, the customer can transfer them to other bank accounts or back into their gaming wallet for further gaming activities, subject to account balance and daily transfer limits. No other features like provision of a Debit Card, BPay will be offered on this Financial Wallet Account.

Hay is required to hold customer funds (i.e. the funds in the Financial Wallet Account) with an approved Authorised Deposit-Taking Institution (ADI) in a separate, designated account. It is important for you to know that Hay is not a bank and our non-cash payment product is not protected under the Australian Government’s Financial Claims Scheme.


2. Important information

This FSG is designed to assist you in making an informed decision about whether to use our financial services. It contains important information about:

  • The financial services Hay and 3P Card Services provide and the documents you may receive from them;
  • fees and other benefits Hay and 3P Card Services may receive for providing each of their financial services to you; and
  • how you can make a complaint to Hay and 3P Card Services and how they will deal with your complaint.

After reading this FSG, you will know:

  1. Who Hay and 3P Card Services are and how to contact them;
  2. What financial services can be provided to you and how these services will be provided to you;
  3. How Hay (and any other relevant persons) may be remunerated;
  4. Whether any relevant associations or relationships exist that may influence the general advice provided by Hay and 3P Card Services Pty Ltd as a Corporate Authorised Representative of Hay;
  5. How Hay and 3P Card Services maintain your personal information; and
  6. How to access Hay and 3P Card Services’ internal and external complaints handling arrangements.

The content of this FSG is general information only and does not take into account any person’s particular needs or objectives or financial situation or whether our services are suitable for you.

If you need any more information than is contained in this document, please contact us. You have the right to ask us about our services, fees, and charges, and what you can do if you have a complaint about our services.

3. Documents you may receive

You will receive this FSG at the time either Hay or 3P Card Services first thinks that either of them may provide you with a financial service.

You will also be provided with the Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) before you sign up to the Financial Wallet Account. The PDS will provide you with information about the product, its features, benefits, risks, costs, and other relevant information, available at

The use of the Financial Wallet Account is governed by Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy which are available at


You should read the PDS, Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy before you decide to obtain the Financial Wallet Account.

4. About the issuer Hay Limited

Hay is a holder of an Australian Financial Services Licence (AFSL) No 515459. Under its AFSL, Hay is authorised to issue, and provide general advice in relation to, non-cash payment products.

Hay can be contacted at:


5. About 3P Card Services

Hay has authorised 3P Card Services Pty Ltd ABN 88 125 365 to act on its behalf to provide certain financial services in respect of the Financial Wallet Account which is a financial product issued under the Hay AFSL. As an authorised representative of Hay, 3P Card Services can:

  1. deal in by arranging for you to acquire the Financial Wallet Account; and
  2. provide general financial product advice in relation to the Financial Wallet Account (including publishing or issuing certain promotional material in relation to the Financial Wallet Account).

When providing the financial services described in this FSG, 3P Card Services acts on behalf of Hay.

3P Card Services cannot provide you personal advice about the non-cash payment product offered by Hay. This means neither Hay nor 3P Card Services have taken into consideration your objectives, financial situation or needs.

You will need to decide whether any factual financial product advice given by 3P Card Services (including in its promotional material) is suitable for you, or to obtain personal advice from an appropriately qualified and authorised person.

Please be aware that Hay is not responsible where 3P Card Services provides any services to you that are outside of the authorisation Hay has have provided. If you have questions regarding the information or materials you receive, you can contact Hay at any time.

3P Card Services can be contacted at:


Phone: 1800 07 08 09


6. Can I provide 3P Card Services with instructions?

You may provide 3P Card Services with specific instructions by letter, email or other means, such as the 3P Card Services Website ( or the App, if offered to you.

You can contact 3P Card Services by using the following channels:


Phone: 1800 07 08 09

Mail: Level 4, 113 Wicks Road, Macquarie Park, NSW 2113


7. Are there any fees, commissions, or other benefits received?

All fees relevant to the Financial Wallet Account are set out in the PDS, which can be found at


Description Hay Limited (Issuer) 3P Card Services (Distributor)
Commission No No
Other benefits No No


8. Associations and relationships

Hay and 3P Card Services are not related companies and have no association or relationship with one another other than for the purpose of issuing and distributing the financial services set out in this FSG.


9. Feedback and Resolving Problems and Complaints

When you provide feedback, Hay and 3P Card Services have the opportunity to improve services to you. If you have a query or complaint relating to the Financial Wallet Account, you should initially direct the query to 3P Card Services via:

Mail:     Level 4, 113 Wicks Road, Macquarie Park, NSW 2113

Please provide a full explanation of your feedback or complaint. 3P Card Services may request further details from you.

When dealing with a complaint we will undertake the following:

  • Keep a record of your complaint;
  • Acknowledge your complaint within 1 business day;
  • Respond within 30 calendar days;
  • If we cannot complete our investigation within 30 calendar days, we will let you know why.

If you are unable to resolve your issue with 3P Card Services directly, you can escalate your enquiry to Hay via Hay will check with you to make sure you are satisfied with how your complaint was handled and its resolution.

If we are unable to resolve the matter to your satisfaction, you may refer the compliant to the Australian Financial Complaints Authority (AFCA). AFCA provides fair and independent financial services complaint resolution that is free to consumers. It’s important you raise your concerns with us first before going to AFCA, as AFCA will generally encourage this before they will investigate. The contact details for AFCA are:

Mail:                 GPO Box 3, Melbourne VIC 3001

Phone:              1800 931 678 (free call)



10. Compensation Arrangements

Hay as the AFS Licensee holds professional indemnity insurance, which covers the financial services Hay and 3P Card Services are authorised to provide to you. This professional indemnity insurance satisfies the requirements of section 912B of the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth).